Friday, June 10, 2005
Man, was I ever relieved!
I was reminded of a great truth about the Spirit Filled life while reading a new booklet by Charles Stanley recently.
Charles has a new booklet out titled, "Living the Spirit Filled Life". In it he talks about how he used to beg, plead and cry out for the Spirit to fill his life. He was raised Pentecostal in denomination and they would have "tarrying meetings" where they would tarry before the Lord in hopes that they would cry out enough to get the Spirit! Charles came to see as an older Christian adult that the only thing required of us to receive the Spirit and His fullness!
In Col. 2:6 we're told that, "as you have recieved Christ Jesus, so walk ye in Him...." How did you receive Christ Jesus? Well, we are saved by grace through ........FAITH! So, we are to also walk in Christ Jesus by.......FAITH!
I'm doing a study right now in the 3rd. chapter of the book of Galiatians where Paul asks the folks he's writing to, "who has so easily bewitched you?" The term "bewitched" means to be led astray by error. He goes on to ask the 6 million dollar question: "Did you receive the Spirit by keeping the works of the Lord or by the hearing of faith? Did God give you His Spirit and work miracles among you by the works of the Law or by the hearing of faith?" ("the hearing of faith" means "Believing what you heard"!)
The obvious answer is that God gives His Spirit and He works miracles among us when WE BELIEVE WHAT WE HEAR, WHEN WE MIX THE PROMISES OF THE WORD OF GOD WITH OUR FAITH!
Brother, sister, If you aren't walking inthe fullnes of the Spirit of God tonight, move into that position by simply believing what God has said. What has He said? The Father has promised to give the Spirit to all who would receive by faith (Acts 2:38-39). It's His gift to us who believe.
Simply relax and receive the promise of the Father!