Tuesday, May 31, 2005
A Spirit Filled Baptist Pastor: What's up with that?
I 've come to the conclusion that the "promise of the Father" talked about by Jesus, Peter, John the Baptist and Paul, is an essential part of the Christian's life. That's not something regularlly taught in most Baptist circles. In fact, if you go much further than simply mentioning the name of the Holy Spirit as it appears in the Trinitarian baptismal formula in Matt. 28, you'll get called a lot of nasty names. Names that most Baptist catagorize as nasty: Pentecostal, Charismatic, Charismaniac, and other such titles of affection. These will be the labels attached to you in a heart beat by those who say they are "people of the book" if you speak too often and in too much detail about the precious Holy Spirit of God!
I am not a "pentecostal" nor am I a "charismatic" at least in the popular sense. I suppose that if one would be honest with the meaning of the Greek word, "charismata" (grace gifted), then you would have to agree with Billy Graham and admist that all born again believers are charismatic!
Oh, we're going to have fun with this site!
If you are a Christian who believes that there's just got to be more; if you're tired and bored with your form of "Christianity"; if you want power to live the Christian life, then, this site is for you.
We will explore Spirit filled issues that most people who are not Charismatic ever talk about....but should. I hope that you will read it all and explore the Bible verses given before jumping to conclusions and getting mad and start calling me names!
Oh, by the way: The Promise Of the Father comes from the term used by Jesus in Acts 1 and Luke 24. He said to wait for the Promise of the Father....to be endued with power from on high....to be filled with or baptisted with the Spirit not many days hence......It's the command to be "filled with the Spirit" in Eph. 5:18. I'd advise you to not get hung up on terms, just make sure you've got the substance of the term.
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God Bless!
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